Welcome to Torrey Lane Apartments!

6415 Casada Way, Suite 19 Las Vegas, NV 89107
Telephone: (702) 878-5666 or 878-2866

Floorplan Studio A

Floorplan One bedroom B

Floorplan Two bedroom

Floorplan Studio D

Floorplan Studio E

Floorplan One bedroom F


Torrey Lane Apartments
6415 Casada Way, Suite 19 Las Vegas, NV 89107
Telephone: (702) 878-5666 or 878-2866
Charlotte Stafford – Property Manager

Rental Application

Please complete all requested information on the following pages. Thank you for your interest in our apartments.
Date of Application: _____________________ Desired Date of Occupancy: _____________________________
Type of Apartment Wanted (Number of bedrooms, etc.): _______________________________________________________
Apartment Shown: __________________ Monthly Rent Quoted: ___________________ Deposit Quoted: ___________________
Personal Information
Applicant’s Full Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth: _____________________________ Social Security Number: _________________________________
Driver’s License No./ State: __________________________ E Mail Address: __________________________________
Current Telephone Number: ____________________________________________
Co-Applicant’s Full Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth: _____________________________ Social Security Number: _________________________________
Driver’s License No./ State: __________________________ E Mail Address: __________________________________
Current Telephone Number: ____________________________________________
Full Names of All Other Residents: Relationship to You: Date of Birth:
How many pets do you or other occupants own (this includes birds, reptiles, small mammals, and fish)?: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Kind of pet, breed, weight, sex, and age: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How did you hear about our property?: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Residence History
It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all information is correct and complete.
Missing and/ or incomplete information may be grounds for rejection.
Present Address (including state and zip code): ____________________________________________________________________________________
Present Telephone: ________________________________ Dates From: ___________ To: _______________
Present Landlord or Mortgage Co.: ______________________________ Telephone: _________________________
Monthly Payment: ____________ Reason for moving: ______________________________________________________________
Previous Address (including state and zip code): ____________________________________________________________________________________
Previous Telephone: ________________________________ Dates From: ___________ To: _______________
Previous Landlord or Mortgage Co.: _____________________________ Telephone: _________________________
Monthly Payment: ____________ Reason for moving: ______________________________________________________________
Co-Applicant’s Present Address (including state and zip code): ________________________________________________________________________
Present Telephone: ________________________________ Dates From: ___________ To: _______________
Present Landlord or Mortgage Co.: ______________________________ Telephone: _________________________
Monthly Payment: ____________ Reason for moving: ______________________________________________________________
Co-Applicant’s Previous Address (including state and zip code): ________________________________________________________________________
Previous Telephone: ________________________________ Dates From: ___________ To: _______________
Previous Landlord or Mortgage Co.: _____________________________ Telephone: _________________________
Monthly Payment: ____________ Reason for moving: ______________________________________________________________
Employment Information
Information on employment histories must be complete and accurate in order to verify income.
Please list phone number of person to verify employment.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all information is correct and complete.
Missing and/ or incomplete information may be grounds for rejection.
Present Employer: ______________________________________________________________ Dates From: ____________ To: ____________
Address: ______________________________________________________________ Telephone: _____________________
Position: _______________________ Supervisor: ____________________________ Gross Monthly Salary: _____________________
Previous Employer: ______________________________________________________________ Dates From: ____________ To: ____________
Address: ______________________________________________________________ Telephone: _____________________
Position: _______________________ Supervisor: ____________________________ Gross Monthly Salary: _____________________
Co-Applicant’s Present Employer: __________________________________________________ Dates From: ____________ To: ____________
Address: ______________________________________________________________ Telephone: _____________________
Position: _______________________ Supervisor: _____________________________ Gross Monthly Salary: _____________________
Co-Applicant’s Previous Employer: __________________________________________________ Dates From: ____________ To: ____________
Address: ______________________________________________________________ Telephone: _____________________
Position: _______________________ Supervisor: _____________________________ Gross Monthly Salary: _____________________
Banking and Credit References
Bank Name and Branch: _________________________________________________ Telephone: _________________________
At this bank do you have (please circle type of accounts): CHECKING SAVINGS LOAN MORTAGE
Bank Name and Branch: _________________________________________________ Telephone: _________________________
At this bank do you have (please circle type of accounts): CHECKING SAVINGS LOAN MORTAGE
Credit Reference: _____________________________________________________ Telephone: _________________________
Credit Reference: _____________________________________________________ Telephone: _________________________
Other Information
Total Number of Vehicles (Including company vehicles): ______________
Make/ Model: __________________________ Year: ___________ Color: ___________ License No./ State: ________________
Make/ Model: __________________________ Year: ___________ Color: ___________ License No./ State: ________________
Monthly Payment: _________________________________ Monthly Insurance Payment: ______________________________
Total Gross Monthly Household Income: $________________
If there are other sources of income you would like us to consider, please list income, source, and person (Banker, Employer, etc.) who we could contact for confirmation. You do NOT have to reveal alimony, child support, or spouse’s annual income unless you want us to consider it in this application.
Amount: $__________ Per: _____________ Source: __________________________ Telephone: _________________
Amount: $__________ Per: _____________ Source: __________________________ Telephone: _________________
Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Have You or Co-Applicant (please circle appropriate answer):
It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all information is correct and complete.
Missing and/ or incomplete information may be grounds for rejection.
Been sued for non-payment of rent? YES NO Ever been evicted or asked to move out? YES NO
Broken a rental agreement or lease? YES NO Been sued for damage to rental property? YES NO
Declared bankruptcy? YES NO Ever used another social security number? YES NO
Ever been convicted of a crime? YES NO Ever used an alias? YES NO
Are you a full time student? YES NO
Please explain (with dates) any yes’s circled above: __________________________________________________________________
In case of personal emergency, notify: _______________________________________ Telephone: _________________
Relationship: __________________ Address: ________________________________ Work Phone: ________________
In case of personal emergency, notify: _______________________________________ Telephone: _________________
Relationship: __________________ Address: ________________________________ Work Phone: ________________
I understand that I acquire no rights to an apartment until I sign an agreement in the form submitted to me and make a deposit of
$100.00 - $150.00 on the apartment I have selected. This deposit will be held in accordance with the rental agreement. In return for the landlord’s holding the apartment for me, I hereby waive all rights to the return of this deposit. The deposit will be held as liquidated damages in the event that I do not choose to enter into the agreement applied for herein. In the event that this application is not accepted the deposit will be returned to the applicant minus the $30.00 application fee.
In compliance with the FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT, this is to inform you that a credit investigation involving the statements made this application for tenancy at this apartment complex is being initiated. I/ We certify that to the best of my/ our knowledge all statements are true and complete. I/ We further authorize Torrey Lane Apartments/ Obrecht L.L.C. to obtain credit reports, character reports, criminal reports, and rental histories as needed to verify all information put forth in this application.
Applicant’s Signature: _________________________________________________________________
Co-Applicant’s Signature: ______________________________________________________________
Date Signed: ___________________
Landlord: ________________________ Title: ___________________________ Date: ________

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